Volume 12, Issue 6 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 12(6): 599-628 | Back to browse issues page

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Hayati Z. Analyzing Values Invalidity in Double Concepts of 2000s Poetry. LRR 2022; 12 (6) :599-628
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-37175-en.html
Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Sciences, Tehran, Iran , hayati@ihcs.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2159 Views)
Persian poetry in the 2000s, like many literary and artistic texts, has hidden meaning and reason the enjoyment of discovery of which is met by the criticism process method. One of the methods of studying poems of this decade is to look at the mutual contradictions, which indicate some parts of meaning, because if a poet accepts the historical evaluation of contradictions, he shows his alignment with classic beliefs and if he criticizes it, he represents the intellectual and cultural changes in personal or social level. In analysis of text contradictions, one of the items to be studied is the type of relation that the author or poet connects between two sides of contradiction, and in this case, poets in the 2000s indicated many intellectual infrastructures and type of evaluations changed to them. Among 20 poets studied in this research, 7 poets (Sare Dastaran, Majid Rafati, Garous Abdolmalekian, Abbas Saffari, Sara Mohammadi Ardehali, Shahab Mogharrabin, and Hafez Mousavi) obviously introduced invalid the goodness and badness of two sides of contradiction; i.e. the positive and negative aspects or vice and virtue of parties to the contradiction. The research findings show that the poets in the 2000s make doubt on the known and general contradictions, and also include in their works the new visual fields suitable to the language and time for invalidating the vice and virtue aspects of contradictions

1. Introduction
One method of poetry study in the 2000s is the analysis of double contrasts, and originates its theoretical fundamentals from structural linguistics. Poetry criticism with this structurali view can connect to the different approaches; such as discourse analysis approach, sociological criticism, moral criticism, etc. For example, ideology governing the poetry of this period, which in fact reflects the thinking method of a special class in society, can be recognized and its formalities can be analyzed with power by discourse analysis view. Historically, the word of double contrasts was used first by Nikolai Trvbstskvy (1890-1938) but legally and formally appeared in theories of structural linguist, Ferdinan de Saussre (1857-1913) and specifically discussed in Public Linguistics (1915). Summary of Saussre's discussion is that all human behaviors are systematic, and for this purpose, the rules governing it shall be achieved to understand the language arisen from the mind and thinking function. One of such fundamental rules is the contrasts. Understanding the double contrasts indicate some parts of meaning in literary text.
2. Research Questins
The main problem of this research is: what predominant view and thinking does reflect the analysis of double contrasts in poetry of the 2000s? and what value system is indicated by the most important social and cultural criticism of poets of this period? The most significant research hypothesis is that the double contrasts in poetry of this decade indicate the diversity of beliefs and values to the previous periods, and poets of this decade reflect a type of invalidity of values by choosing or creating the contrasts and also through a relationship connected among them, deemed the values invalidity criticism. In other words, a poet of the 2000s doesn't distinguish a border between good and bad, and this one-sidedness can be his/her indirect and poetic criticism to decline of the values system in the community.
3. Research method
The research method in extraction and analysis of contrasts is that: 1- a list of text contrary couples has been extracted; 2- the contrasts based on the positive and negative poles are classified under the more common contrast; 3- ideological foundation of text has been clarified by analysis of value contrast of two poles and achievement of predominance of one party of contrasts; 4- general and fixed beliefs transferred to the audience by text are indicated by this way. Not based on the literary credit chosen based on the multidimensionality of specifications such as age and sexual learning, public and private publication, etc, regarding the presence of the past and young generations, presence of two groups of men and women, existence of two contrast ideologies (opposing and agreeing the formal discourse), presence in meetings and receiving the literary awards or quitting this movement, and relationship with public and private publisher, poets and books on study have caused the research result is an average of all intellectual and literary movements.
4. Literature Review
A list of more than 20 papers can be collected in the research background, each has analyzed a text based on the double contrasts and reached some perceptions of structure and meaning; but a collection of texts reflecting a view in a definite period with its contrasts has not been paid attention by the Persian language and literature researchers.
5. Results
The analysis of companion contrasts in Persian poetry in the 2000s indicates the poets connect a relationship between the doubles which are different to the literary traditions and classic views because there is not any direction to the value side, accepted by the public, compared to the anti-value and value sides. This adversity of classic formalities is indicated in different forms. For example, the poet sometimes knows there is no difference between positive and negative sides and their achievement is the same; sometimes believes to accept the contrary nature of doubles, so, doesn't try to solve them; sometimes negative side accepts the contrary bitterly; etc. Totally it can be said that the double contrasts in poetry of the 2000s reflect a kind of transition from traditional thinking, and is a kind of criticism to instability of value system in the minds. Based on the findings of this research, there are some contrast relationships among the companion doubles in poetry of the 2000s in the following 6 classes which are as follows according to their role: 1- removing the contrast (mostly focusing on the hidden negative side), 2- keeping the contrast (by focusing on the negative side), 3- beauty-creation by contrasts (imagination- language orientation), 4- alignment with the classic contrasts (mostly in scope of lovings), 5- creation of new contrasts or presentation of the various interpretation of the common contrasts, and 6- expression of the doubt and uncertainty to the nature of contrasts.
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Article Type: نقد اثر پژوهشی | Subject: Arts and Humanities (General)
Published: 2022/01/21

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