Assistant Professor of French Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract: (10053 Views)
While reading One Thousand and One Nights, one cannot ignore the significant repetition of the textual elements that frequently point out to the process of enunciation. Analysis and evaluation of these textual signs, that refer to the origin of the utterance, provide the reader with an understanding of those that occur behind and beyond the signs. Applying a semiotic analysis of discourse approach, the present study tries to analyze the above signs in One Thousand and One Nights. The analysis indicates that 'the utterance' always emphasizes the important role of the three elements of enunciation, enunciator, and co-enunciator. The present study is to show that, in this discourse, the utterance more than anything else refers to the process of its production so that enunciation has turned to a major part of the content of the text. No doubt such deliberate overemphasis of the enunciator and its textual representations in different levels of narrative is of prime importance. As a result, the textual enunciator has made every effort to, first, disturb the bases of his co-enunciator's system of values and his intellectual, ideological, and ontological systems; and then, through repetition and suggestion, use the urging and persuading functions of language to create in him a new system of value and ideology more compatible with his own interests
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Language and Linguistics Published: 2017/11/9