1- Associate professor of Arabic language and literature: Tarbiat Modares Universiti , motaghizadeh@modares.ac.ir
2- Professor of Arabic Language & Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3- 3. M.A in Arabic Language Teaching: Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (5600 Views)
Reading skills is one of the most important language skills. The Success in learning a second language depends on this skill. But it is noted that the final semester students of the Arabic language and literature department who are ready to be graduated and even many graduates of this field are not able to read the Arabic texts correctly and fluently. Therefore, the authors of the present study intend to use the descriptive-analytical method and survey method to evaluate the reading skill of Arabic of undergraduate students to identify their weaknesses on reading and offer some suggestions for developing them. It should be noted that different studies have been conducted on reading skill in Iran and Arabic countries, but none of these studies investigate the weaknesses of Arabic language and literature students of Iran state universities in reading skill. So the present study is completely different from previous studies. The main question of the study is: how weak are Arabic language and literature students in reading skill and what are the reasons of these weaknesses? The statistical sample of the present study has been formed by124 undergraduate students in the Arabic language and literature department in 12 Iranian state universities, 41 of them are male and 83 are female. The tool used in the study is a researcher-made test, which has been designed for the first time for reading skill in Arabic language and literature and the existing models in the Arabic countries have been used to design the test. The results reflected the weakness of students and their lack of mastery in this skill. Although the students who are ready to be graduated, faces weakness in all levels of reading. There is a kind of consensus amongst the experts of Arabic language on this issue. The most important reason of this problem is that there is no special lesson for reading skill in the syllabus.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics Published: 2018/10/26