Volume 10, Issue 1 (2019)                   LRR 2019, 10(1): 195-221 | Back to browse issues page

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Alaei M, Abassi A. Analyzing the Silence in Literary Discourse: The Case Study of Kelidar and Missing Solouch by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi: A Semiotic Approach. LRR 2019; 10 (1) :195-221
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-25134-en.html
1- Ph.D. Candidate in French Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University
2- Professor of French Language and Literature , Shahid Beheshti University , a-abbassi@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (7610 Views)
Semiotics of discourse aims to explore the underlying structure of meaning production. In generative process of discourse, the most superficial layer has a close relationship to the most profound layer. Space, that has recently get considerable attention in literary studies is one of the discursive figurative elements which results in the meaning in the underneath layers. As a result, the space converts into a sensible element.
Silence is the absence of any verbal element so that it is a sign of something. But this absent element has been manifested in discourse by structural and textual elements and it is present in text background. Silence as an indicative element is received by relating to its antithetic element, the sound. In addition, the silence makes sense whether it is a sign of something or an effect of a being which is postponed in a discursive context.
Mahmoud Dowlat-Abadi Iranian contemporary realistic author, is also one of the regional literature storyteller and based on this, space plays the crucial role in his works. In spite of the special place in his novels, silence appeals as a present and significance-producer element in his books. In Dowlat-Abaadi’s literary works, particularly in mentioned novels, imprisonment or stopping the converses, which is caused by thrill, phobia, respecting others, suffering, inability of talking or believing the power of unsaid words produces the silence. This matter connects the Dowlat-Abaadi’s text to a clear silence.  
This research, while expressing the procedure of silence formation in Kelidar and missing -Solouch, seeks the presence and emergence of silence by the aspects of tensive and spatial semiotics in some of the spatial structures. In fact, considering the space not even as a referring element, it takes part in producing the meaning. This research is up to answer this fundamental question that how the space, that is a tangible and apparent element of converse, could produce the meaning at the deepest layers of the discourse and also could produce the silence in the present novels. On this basis, the study of sensorial orders of discourse, auditory sphere and also its relation with silence formation are not avoidable. Discourse structures have followed the generative process principle and fearful black room which have been portrayed in the simulative layer of two mentioned novels, which are indicatives of deterioration and death away from the only referential function in a more profound level controlling the asphyxiation existed in contemporary age of these two novels and in the most cavernous layers.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Semiotics
Published: 2019/03/8

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