1- Ph.D. candidate in General Linguistics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Professor of General Linguistics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (6548 Views)
Many linguists have studied argument structure and argument realization in causative/inchoative alternations within the framework of lexicalist approaches. In the present paper, we will study, criticize and compare various derivatives of lexicalist approaches. Subsequently, we will test the main hypothesis underlying the mentioned accounts. In these accounts it is assumed that the verb’s lexical semantic features determine its argument structure and alternation. In this paper, based on Persian data, we will show that verb’s lexical semantics plays an important role in determination of its alternation, but the verb’s participation in causative alternation cannot be attributed sole to the verb’s semantic content. Overall, the findings of this survey cast doubt on the results of previous researches and show that other factors which transcend the verb’s lexical features determine its argument structure and its participation in causative alternation. With this regard, the other aim of this paper is to specify the factors affecting Persian verbs’ participation in causative alternation. Amongst these factors one can point to contextual factors such as semantic features of verb’s arguments and non-arguments alongside encyclopedic factors which coalesce at the level of logical form of the utterance.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics|Sense Published: 2015/11/22