Hallajzadeh H, khalifehloo S F, Aghagplzadeh ّ. The manner of social actor’s representation in divorce demanding women’s discourse based on Van leewen (2008): forensic linguistics approach. LRR 2018; 9 (4) :113-135
1- Ph.D. student of linguistics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
3- Professor of Linguistics Department at Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (9265 Views)
According to the important role of linguistic factors in reproducing social power and controlling the mind of subjects by redistribution of ideologies the present research tries to explore the underlying levels of surface aspects related to the structural organization of the discourse which can be led to appearance of a new and deep insight. Thus, mastering discourse concepts is an appropriate instrument for a realistic analysis of group’s minds and ideologies. According to the Discourse- Society- and knowledge , Van Dijk (2006) concludes that, each human being, in order to reach the goal of persuasion of the audience, tries to magnify and emphasize his positive actions and minimize the opposing party's attributes. In parallel to this effort, he tries to mitigate its negative qualities and the positive features of the other party. Strategies used to this end can be classified as: actor description, categorization, comparison, euphemism, disclaimers, evidentiality, example/illustration, generalization, number game, hyperbole, irony, populism, norm expression, national self-glorification, negative other representation, metaphor, implication, presupposition, lexicalization, victimization, vagueness, positive self-presentation, polarization/ Us – them categorization, Burden and Authority. By naturalizing the text and studying structures, critical discourse analysis tries to eliminate the power relations, discourse-based elements of texts and hidden ideologies in texts.in entrance to the concrete layers of language, human wants to select between options and alternatives. Each selection between alternatives shows the actors ideology, knowledge and attitudes. One of these linguistic tools is the manner of social actor’s representation. Each manner of naming shows the users’ attitude about the named actor. In this research writers tried to study the manner of naming family court actors by divorce demanding women. To do this, we attended 20 meeting of the General Court and family counseling center of Zahedan- Iran and recorded the divorce demanding women’s Statements. With regard to the prohibition of the use of audio and video equipment or any kind of electronic means in the court environment, only a written record of women's statements has been limited. After collecting, data were studied based on Van leeuwen (2008) theory to sort different types of actor’s representation. After that in order to study the goal of each type of naming and representation, each class of representation was studied according to Van Dijk (2006) theory. Research results showed that divorce demanding women represent the others by three type of naming. The first was relational identification, the second was passivation and the third was mitigating the others negative properties and magnify positive characteristics of themselves
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Linguistics Published: 2017/06/27