The present study has examined and analyzed the novel of “Baba Sobhan’s legend” in the framework of Lesley Jeffries' theory and based on the components of critical stylistics. In this regard, an attempt was made to answer the following questions: 1. How are the writer's ideologies represented in the way that the linguistic elements of the novel are chosen and arranged, which are interpreted as style? 2. What kinds of discourse elements have made it possible to discover the ideologies hidden in the style of the novel? So, the main purpose of this article is to reveal the hidden ideologies in the writer's utterances. For this purpose, the vocabularies and sentence structures of the novel, which provide the way for gaining the discourse style and the cognition of style, have been studied and analyzed. In this paper, through a descriptive-analytical approach, the authors have extracted and categorized Lesley Jeffries’ views which are mentioned in the book "Critical Stylistics". Then they have analyzed the novel considering the components of this book. Findings indicate that the strategies of "negating" and "prioritizing" are the most frequent, and "naming", "equating" and "assuming and implying" have the lowest frequency in this discourse. The analysis of these findings shows that the writer in his discourse, considering the conditions of society and serfdom system in Iran, has depicted the villagers’ socio-economic situation and the realities of their lives through a critical approach. He has also criticized the authorities in Iran in the years before the land reform.
The current research has examined and analyzed Baba Sobhan's Osane novel in the framework of Leslie Jeffries' theory and based on the components of critical stylistics. Regarding this issue, an attempt was made to answer the following questions: 1. how are the author's ideologies represented in the way of choosing and arranging the linguistic elements of the novel, which are interpreted as style? 2. Discovering the ideologies and beliefs hidden in the style of the novel has been made possible by using what discourse tools? In relation to these questions, the main goal of the article is to reveal the hidden intentions of the author's statements. For this purpose, the vocabulary and the structure of the sentences of the novel, which provide the ground for entering the discursive and cognitive space of the style, have been examined and analyzed. In this essay, the authors have analyzed the studied novel based on the components mentioned in the book, after extracting and categorizing the opinions of Leslie Jeffries in the book Critical Stylistics (2010) with a descriptive-analytical approach. The findings of the research show that the strategies of "negating" and "important information and opinions" have the highest frequency, and "naming", "synonyms" and "implicit meanings and accepted facts" have the lowest frequency in this discourse. The analysis of these findings indicates that in his discourse, the author has depicted the socio-economic situation of the villagers and the realities of their lives with a critical approach, considering the conditions of the society and the system of lords and serfs in Iran. At the same time, he has criticized those in power in Iran years before the land reforms.
The main hypothesis in the present article is that Baba Sobhan's Osane novel, as a verbal text, has a discourse structure that can be described, analyzed and interpreted based on Jeffries theory. Also, by using this model, the thought and ideology of its author is represented. In the framework of the research problem, by adopting the descriptive-analytical method, the components suggested by Jeffries, which are presented in his book, were extracted and categorized. Then, in order to discover these components in Baba Sobhan's Osane novel, which is considered as the body of the research, this work was carefully and repeatedly read. Finally, after finding the components mentioned by Jeffries in the text of the novel, the discursive propositions of the text were examined based on them. For this purpose, the vocabulary and the structure of the sentences of the novel, which provided the ground for entering the discourse and cognitive analysis of the style, were carefully analyzed. Finally, the frequency and percentage of occurrence of various discourse strategies in the story were obtained and presented in the form of separate tables.
Most of the studies that have been introduced so far under the title of Persian stylistics were individual studies that examined the style separately from the situational context of the text. But the authors in this essay proposed a solution to get out of this situation by introducing appropriate tools to analyze the style of Persian novels. Therefore, by using a method based on critical discourse analysis, they have studied the stylistic features of the text in relation to its situational context. In this regard, the present research was an attempt to test the hypothesis that the discourse of Baba Sobhan's Osane novel can be described and analyzed with the tools suggested by Jeffries. The results obtained from this study with regard to the research hypothesis showed that the mentioned novel as a critical verbal text benefits from a discourse structure that represents the opinions and ideologies of its author. It should be mentioned that these ideologies are represented by seventeen discourse strategies in the linguistic elements of the novel as shown by the data analysis of this research. The main discourse of the novel expresses the poverty, pain and suffering of a certain social class who live with failure and deprivation in the village environment. Trying to get rid of the existing unfortunate situation, fighting against injustice, confrontation between the city and the village, denouncing the class conflict, exposing the unfair relations governing the socio-economic relations of the village environment, protesting the government and its programs, the confusion and the distress of the villagers. As a result of crises caused by poverty, famine and injustice, they have formed the sub-discourses of this novel. It should be mentioned that by referring to feudalism, Dolatabadi has brought the events of the novel into economic and political issues, and by using some of the previously mentioned discourse tools, he has explained the system of lords and serfs with a critical eye. In this regard, the words he chose and the descriptions he provided are all critical. This shows that the author of the novel has chosen words and images suitable for his purpose.