Volume 13, Issue 6 (2022)                   LRR 2022, 13(6): 427-460 | Back to browse issues page

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oussama Al-Bouzeh Z, Mirzaei F, Letafati R, Fekri M, Farahani H. Determining the Psychometric Properties of the scale of Psychological and Interpersonal Factors Affecting the Academic Achievement of the Students of the Arabic Language & Literature Department at the Undergraduate Level. LRR 2022; 13 (6) :427-460
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-55162-en.html
1- PhD Candidate, Department of Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- Professor of Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , f_mirzaei@modares.ac.ir
3- Professor of French Language, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran 4. Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4- Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
5- Assistant Professor of Psychometrics, Department of psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2833 Views)
The psychological factors, relationships with colleagues and the culture of the target language, play an active role in academic achievement. The main issue of this study is to determine the psychometric properties of the scale of these factors in learning Arabic for Iranian students at the undergraduate level. This study used the mixed exploratory sequential design. The initial items were designed in the form of a qualitative research and semi-structured interviews with specialists in teaching the Arabic language and literature and experts in educational psychology. The final form which contains (83) of items was determined. To ensure its validity and reliability, a sample of (100) students at undergraduate level was conducted through the official virtual educational spaces and the sampling method. Results: (83) essential items were selected based on the Lawshe criterion with (CVR) above (0.6), and the total (CVI), by using software (SPSS), was equal to (0.83) which is acceptable. The internal reliability of the scale was calculated through Cronbach's alpha, and all values were higher than (0.8), which indicates the internal reliability of the scale factors. The (CR) and the (AVE) of the scale factors were higher than (0.8) and (0.5) which Shows the scale’s convergent validity. (CCV) indicates a significant relationship between scale factors and averages of the research sample. In total, the final scale has (32) items with (64.22) of the variance of the total scale. Accordingly, the scale has the appropriate psychometric properties to determine the essential factors that affecting the academic achievement.
1. Introduction
 The 1960s has viewed a major shift in epistemology. The components of academic success for foreign language learners are no longer only related to the cognitive skills, but also become closely related to the other aspects, such as the learner’s psychological aspect like the social personality, the relationship with his classmates, and the culture of the target language. The learner's mind is the method to express his or her emotions, and the learner who can express his thoughts and control his negative feelings, face difficulties, be flexible in the face of opposing ideas and different cultures, and manage time; He will be more successful than the other students.
Research Questions
1. What are the psychological and interpersonal factors affecting the academic success of students of the Arabic language and literature department at the undergraduate level?
2. Does the study tool have content validity and content validity index?
3. To what degree does the study tool have structural, convergent and concurrent criterion validity?
4. Is the study instrument sufficiently reliable?

2. Literature Review

 2-1. Academic achievement

Is one of the most important criteria for evaluating the performance of the language learner who qualifies him to enter the labor market, and to follow up his achievement at the higher levels. It was defined by Chaplin & Olds (1964), “the level of efficiency of achievement in educational work, and it can be determined by specific tests to evaluate students’ work.”. Based on the foregoing, academic achievement is the most important educational and scientific variable that is related to various factors such as the psychological and personal factors of learners, which differ from one individual to another.

2-2. Psychological Factors:

Among the most important psychological factors affecting academic achievement are personal factors: Academic vitality is an important component of a learner's personality; “Academic vitality means the ability of successful students to face and overcome obstacles and academic challenges.” (Comerford et al.: 2015). Psychoeducational factors include academic self-efficacy, which includes cognitive and emotional support for friends, and communication styles with peers. Also, the relationships with others are manifested in assertiveness; “involves many things, including the expression of true feelings, the defense of legitimate rights, and the refusal of unreasonable demands.” (Rathus: 1998).

3. Methodology

 In this research, mixed exploratory sequential design was used. It is one of the methods that uses qualitative and quantitative measurement to collect and analyze data; That is, this method has the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative research at the same time (Berman, 2017, 1 and 5).

4. Results
The Factor Number The Factor Name correlation coefficient Meaningful Level
1 effective communication with native speakers 0.372 0.001
2  The academic vitality 0.353 0.001
3 effective interpersonal communication 0.328 0.002
4 The problem-based learning 0.335 0.002
5 The academic self-efficacy 0.345 0.001
6 assertiveness 0.287 0.012
7  The emotional control 0.291 0.003
The factor of effective communication with native speakers with the expressions of common cultural aspects; Different cultural aspects; Familiarity with important issues in the target language community; The skill of empathy and avoiding misunderstood situations is of the utmost value. As a result, cultural factors are the most important factors in learning Arabic in Iran.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Arabic language
Published: 2023/01/30

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