Volume 14, Issue 2 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 14(2): 191-223 | Back to browse issues page

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Nikpanah F, Hejazi B S, Frrokhnia M. Semiotics Analysis of Red wisdom Shaikh shahaboddine Suhrawardi and Resalotottair Abne-Sina. LRR 2023; 14 (2) :191-223
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-55215-en.html
1- PhD candidate in Persian Language & Literature, Shahid Bahonar University Of Kerman, Iran
2- Associate professor in language& persian literature group of Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman , hejazi@uk.ac.ir
3- Associate professor of language& persian literature group of Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman
Abstract:   (2708 Views)
Shaikh shahaboddine Suhrawardi (1154-1191) originator “Illuminato school”, has linked Hellene philosophy, Islamic mysticism with Quranic inspiration in his symbolic books. His symbolic narrative alleged thoughtful among Henry Corbin (1903-1978) are result intuitive experiences himself that they have been written. Theory discourse semiotic is the new attitude of knowledge semiology that convert relation between signifier and signified to a fluid stream and multidimensional and provide background creation new meanings in a text. Suhrawardi  is among discourses in arena mystic symbolic texts that although he has been lived centuries before thoughtful semiotics among Greimas; but his writings have ability research with the theories. Therefore two texts that have selected as example, are similar together namely “Red wisdom” Shaikh shahaboddine Suhrawardi and “Resalatottair” Abne-Sina for this research, until we research on one hand discourse systems and on the other hand the kind of narrative in them. Both narratives are explanation an effort for access to value object that unlike classical narratives, is interior of activist not external of him. In both narratives have been signs of regime narrative de fusion and in  “Red wisdom” moreover is regime narrative de accommodation too. Also the kinds of action, tension, modality discourse systems and existential can be researched in two books of Suhrawardi. This research has done to style analysis quality context and basis theory of semiotic in arena of modern linguistics with emphasis on sample Greimas.

1. Introduction
The aim of this article is comparative research between two theosophical disquisition “Red wisdom Shaikh shahaboddine Suhrawardi and Resalotottair Abne-Sina" with attitude Semiotics Analysis.

2. Research questions
 How do specify position of Suhrawardi as a discours with  his addressees in symbolic stories basis Semiotics Analysis?; is the first question. And other question is; basis what signs two story   Red wisdom and Resalatottair that have similarity together too, are befitting research because of discourse systems?

3. Methodology
 This research has done to style analysis quality context and basis theory of semiotic in arena of modern linguistics with emphasis on sample Greimas.

4. Results
View of Suhrawardi is very similar to view of Charles sanders peirce (1839-1914) in trichotomy noetic circles to sense: origin of sensory cognition, wisdom: origin logical cognition and design: origin intuitive, theosophy and attendance experiences in world of forms or world of shapes that he knows in man’s noetic circles qualitatively senses connected to concrete world, thought and cognition that -are basis of discourses-connected to wisdom and third dimension connected with man, immanence too. In “Red wisdom” narrative is interactive because of dialogue between narrator and “Red wisdom” for accomplishment to inside object therefore contemplative lighting and because of narrator in beginning as an activist lankness and attend in existence and then in position of modalities, askes address of living source of “Red wisdom”. And with his accede to living source in darkness’s, he was astonished lighting that is influence of existence’s main point; For this reason is regarded regime narrative diffusion (subject become like existence and existence become like subject). In “Resalatottair” like “Red wisdom” can also be seen signs of interactive narrative and regime narrative diffusion and both narratives are explanation an effort to accomplishment to value object in inter personally of activists.
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Semiotics
Published: 2023/05/31

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