Volume 14, Issue 2 (2023)                   LRR 2023, 14(2): 563-590 | Back to browse issues page

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Ameli A, Rabi A, Babasalari Z, Sharafzadeh M, Molaei A. Agreement system in Bordekhoni dialect. LRR 2023; 14 (2) :563-590
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-56528-en.html
1- Bushehr Azad University-Linguistics Department, Azad University, Bushehr, Iran
2- Department of English Translation, south Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3- Department of Linguistics & Foreign Languages, Payam Noor University , z.babasalari@pnu.ac.ir
4- Department of Linguistics, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
5- Department of English Teacher Education, Bushehr Branch, Teacher Education University of Bushehr, Iran
Abstract:   (4778 Views)
One of the archaic language varieties is Bushehr s, Bordkhoni dialect about which there are few or no linguistic researches . Establishing an ergative case  in this language variety is one of the significant aspects of studying this dialect.The main purpose of the research is the description of agreement system in Bordekhoni dialect. The data needed in gathered with Iranian language Atlas questionnaire and interview with 25 native speakers(Parmoon,1385). The methodology is based on introducing and describing the function of past and present stems. The agreement system in this dialect is equivocal. The verb suffixes in intransitive verbs and past+m are liable to make an agreement between the subject and the verb. But non subject suffixes make the agreement with verb+m. Moreover we see that these stems are joined to different parts of a sentence. Bordekhoni dialect has two verb symbols that make an agreement between the logical subject and the verb. The theory of Dabirmoghadam is used in this study. ln Bordkhoni dialect there is no subjective distinction between transitive and intransitive cases regarding word formation and to compensate for this shortcoming and maintain the ergative case , doubling clitics occurs.

1. Introduction
Most of Iranian languages use agreement system in discrete ergative pattern. This ergative pattern is a function of the time that crystallizes itself in the verbs. In other words, the pattern of ergative in Iranian languages is tense_based. In clauses where the main verb is derived from present stem, we see a nominative accusative pattern, while in the sections of the main verb of the past stem, the ergative pattern is observed. Descriptively, the ergative model in Iranian languages reveals two general forms: in these languages category, the subject of a transitive clause has an ergative and the object has a subjective state. In this category of these languages, a transitive verb is in cross reference with the object. In other words, in these languages, the transitive verb agrees with the object, and this agreement is shown by subjective affixes on the verb. In some languages, there are signs of syntactic construction to differentiate the subject and the syntactic behavior of these elements. In this research, the mechanism of agreement in the verbs, «M+past» the agreement mechanism in the intransitive verbs «M+present,» are studied in Bushehr Bordkhoni dialect. Bushehr dialects are from the southwestern branch of new Iranian. The dialect of Bordkhoni is one of the obsolete linguistic varieties in Dayyer town, about it, linguistic research is very little. In this article, like other Iranian languages, ergativity is described which is discrete and bound to the past tense. Based on this, we want to answer the following questions: What is the mechanism of agreement clitic with the sentences containing «M+past» in Bordkhoni dialect? What is the mechanism of agreement in the sentences with intransitive verbs as well as the verb «M+present» in Bordkhoni dialect?

2. Literature Review
There has been a lot of researches on Iranian dialects, of which about 15 thesis are allocated to the dialects of Bushehr province, and it includes the dialects of Bushehri, Tangestani, Dashti, Dashtestani, Deylami and Genaveie. Regarding Bordkhoni dialect, there is only one thesis entitled The study of linguistic Bordkhoni dialect (Ahmadi ,2009) and there is an article on phonetic system of Bordkhoni dialect (Hasiri ,2010). By regarding these researches, it is found that there are no researches on agreement system, so this research is a new work.

3. Methodology
In this research, two methods of field and library have been used. In the field method, based on the Iranian Languages Atlas Questionnaire, (Parmoon,2006) the face to face interviews were conducted with speakers . Around 25 people of Bordkhoni villagers participated in this research. Speakers voices recorded and then transcribed in accordance with international transcription letters (I.P.A). Finally, the agreement system of «M+past» and «M+present» are studied. By this method, the performance of the past stem and present stem are introduced and described.

4. Conclusion and results
Based on the evidence and analysis presented in this study, the following results were obtained. The agreement system in this dialect is split ergativity. In transitive verbs and also, the verbs "M+present", verbal suffixes do the agreement between verb and subject. In Bordkhoni dialect, for indicating agreement with subject_verb, "M+past" uses clitic mechanism. Agreement clitics with subject can attach to different constructions, including the subject itself in clause domain. More technically, Bordkhoni dialect follows the Wakernagel law in distribution agreement between clitics and subject as it predicts clitics in the second place. Based on the agreement system, the results of this study are in accordance with Dabirmoghadams' research on Delvari dialect.  
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Linguistics
Published: 2023/05/31

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