Volume 16, Issue 1 (2025)                   LRR 2025, 16(1): 115-137 | Back to browse issues page

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Hassanvandi S, Hesabi A, Ketabi S. The Discursive Re/construction of the Future in the Institutional Translations of the Iranian Supreme Leader's Discourse. LRR 2025; 16 (1) :115-137
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-59304-en.html
1- PhD in Translation Studies, University of Isfahan
2- Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Isfahan , a.hesabi@fgn.ui.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor of TEFL, University of Isfahan
Abstract:   (2247 Views)
The representation of future pre-configuration through policy-making processes has been an in-vogue area of study in the field of discourse analysis. Equally important is the reconstruction of future pre-configuration in the institutional translations of political text and talk. The objective of this study is to investigate the conceptualization of futurity in the preemptive policy-making in the speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader and their English institutional translations. The data for the present study comes from 20 speeches of the Iranian Supreme Leader and their translations, spanning from 2015-2020, issued by the Office of the Supreme Leader. We employed semantic-syntactic analytical tools such as mood, modality, and aspect to study the conceptualization of futurity in the policy discourse. In conclusion, the findings of the study indicate that these reconstruction of futurity in the preemptive policy-making process in the English institutional translations are to a greater extent similar to the semantic-syntactic properties of the original texts. However, modalization and mood transformation are instances of differences between original and translated versions of texts. Besides, we argued that any instance of the occurrence of similarity or differences stems from on-line dialectic relationships between micro-pragmatic and macro-pragmatic factors
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Article Type: مقالات علمی پژوهشی | Subject: Discourse Analysis
Published: 2025/11/1

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