1- Assistant Professor, Language Department, Language and Literature Faculty, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran , kalantari@cfu.ac.ir
2- Office of Education & Office of Education, Literature Teacher
Abstract: (3400 Views)
Thought, which has a close relationship with language, is only expressed and communicated with language. For this reason, the expansion of the Persian language will make the Iranian culture and thoughts be noticeably broadened. It explicitly shows that teaching the Persian language to non-Persian speakers is of special importance and should continue to be continuously reviewed. One of the newest approaches to teaching is flipped teaching, which consists of different stages and makes learners active. Flipped learning as an interactive model has grabbed teachers’ attention because it forces learners with the help of at-home activities to study their lessons more carefully. The current research done through a questionnaire is applied, quantitative and qualitative. The main aim of the study carried out on advanced Persian Language learners is to investigate the rate of learner’s class participation, to determine their satisfaction and academic progress and to figure out the relationship between these two factors in the flipped classroom among international language learners of the University of Kurdistan. The participants were 50 Kurdish-speaking students from Iraq who completed the course during 60 sessions (120 hours). In this research, the four skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening were taken into account. Each skill includes subsections that strengthen Persian language learning skills; watching long and short videos as well as writing their summaries, writing essays, reading Persian texts, reading pictures and listening to audio files were some of the tasks that were practiced in the classroom. The results of the research showed that the flipped classroom has given rise to learner satisfaction and academic progress. It also made out that there is a strong direct correlation, which means that high “learner satisfaction” variable scores go with high “academic progress” variable scores.
1. Introduction
Flipped teaching has been proposed as a new approach to solve the problem of engagement in education by focusing on content. "Flipped classroom" is a new idea that has attracted the attention of those involved in education, especially teachers and university professors since 2004. Flipped instruction is a method by which not only the burden of learning is on learners’shoulder and allows the teachers to act as facilitators, but also the learners learn according to their individual needs. In flipped learning, traditional methods have been abandoned and teaching has been completely reversed. In this way, the tutorials are provided to the learners online or with the help of videos recorded outside the classroom, and they do some of the class activities and exercises or items mentioned in the film by watching videos as many times as they need. Obviously, if some class activities are done at home, the continuation of exercises and assignments in the classroom will be discussed very deeply and profoundly and the pace of progress will be doubled. Flipped learning as a unique approach can modify and improve the usefullness of assignments and classroom activities done at home and at school. To sum up, it can be pointed out that in traditional teaching methods, students in the classroom learn new knowledge through lectures and practice them at home while in flipped education, giving lectures will be obsolete and students learn the material at home by waching videos and practice the activities much more deeply and profoundly in the classroom.
The research questions are as follows: What is the level of participation of EFL learners in the flipped classroom, and how much is this type of learning associated with the satisfaction of EFL learners in the classroom, and finally, what is the relationship between the two mentioned factors and the level of EFL learners.
2. Literature Review
As far as the authors of the present study know, there is no published research in investigating the class participation of international EFL learners in the flipped classrooms. In addition, no reliable research was found on determining the level of learners' satisfaction and class participation. Moreover, no research has ever focused on the relationship between learners’satisfaction and class participation. There is also no noticeable report or research on studying the use of four skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening as well as other factors in strengthening Persian language learning skills. Therefore, the present study is unique in its kind and tries to be the beginning of further analysis of flipped classes in educational system.
3. Methodology
This study investigates the participation and satisfaction of non-Persian EFL learners in the flipped classroom and its effect on Persian language learning. The subjects of this study are 50 Kurdish-speaking students from Iraq in the academic year 2021. They were randomly selected from among the international language learners of the University of Kurdistan in advanced levels. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, other EFL learners who had flipped classroom experience were invited to cooperate. The results showed that the measured concepts were frequently seen in the responses. Therefore, the structure of the questionnaire had the characteristic of measuring the desired concepts and was approved. The data collection tool of this study also has a reliability feature. Using the test-retest method, the questionnaires were given to a single group in two times under the same conditions and after comparing the results, it became clear that the results had a lot of overlap. The main source for this course is the book Parfa 3.
4. Results
The results of the research show that the satisfaction and participation of EFL learners in the flipped classroom method is high and significant, and of course, it affects and improves learning Persian language among international students. The majority of students in flipped classes admitted that their academic progress was significant and that they were unconsciously involved in classroom activities. Statistical data and numerical results have answered the research questions explicitly. The statistics showed that there is a complete correlation between the variables. The two variables of "learners' participation and satisfaction" are directly related to their level of "academic achievement" and it became evident that the claim that the flipped classroom can lead to effective interaction between teachers and international students. Satisfaction and participation made learners learn more effectively from each other, become more interested in practical and group work, better follow the discussion about digital materials and the content of course resources, and ultimately lead to mobility, vitality, and dynamism. As mentioned in the data analysis, the effect of the correlation coefficient of “r” was complete and the results were significant. This shows that with an increased willingness to participate in classroom activities, all four skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening have been taken into consideration and have contributed significantly to academic achievement.
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مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
Farsi language Published: 2025/05/31