1- PhD of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran
2- Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran , s.a.ghasemzadeh@hum.ikiu.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University (IKIU), Qazvin, Iran
Abstract: (3160 Views)
In this research, the mystical experiences of Bayazid Bastami in the narrative of Attar's Tazkira Al -Awaliya were analyzed with a semiotic-semantic approach in order to explain the mechanism and how the meaning is formed in the text in question. In this discourse, Bayezid is cared for and chosen by God before birth. Then, in the process of development, there is an activism that does not reach the goal during austerities, worships, worldly travels and all the actions that are considered valuable actions in the ontology of Islamic mystics, including Attar as the narrator of the text. The outcome of these actions is being; Unsuccessful outcomes and shortcomings, failures and emotional stress, intense desire versus lack of necessity, and complete denial of what is right eventually cause him to dissolve his sense of self, transcend his limits, and unite with existence and God. The stronger and more intense the desire, the more severe the failure resulting from not being able to be and the more meaningful the emotional tension. A meaning that is full of emotion, perception and presence. The feeling and perception of the narrator, sometimes with an external phenomenon and sometimes by confronting the inner world, leads to the emergence of meaning. Some external experiences are the result of adaptation, reflection and some internal experiences are the result of attraction, co-presence and unity. The mention of Bayezid and his ascension is a mirror of the whole view of what mystics call mystical experience. An unexpected event, a passivity that brings with it an outburst of meaning and enthusiasm of the language. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The theoretical approach of the research is based on the theoretical foundations of semiotic-semantic knowledge in the analysis of mystical experiences. The scope of the research includes re-reading and reflecting on the mystical experiences of Bayazid Bastami in the narrative of Attar's Tazkireh Awaliya, which tries to analyze the formation of meaning in an emotional discourse, between the system of action, tension and excitement.
1. Introduction
The analysis of the semantic significance of mystical encounters aims to explore the nature of the mystic's relationship with existence and God, and how this connection gives rise to meaning within the text. To accomplish this, the methods of uncovering meaning must be identified. In mystical discussions, besides deviating from the norm, distancing oneself from the external world and delving into the inner realm of the universe are key components in generating meaning. Mystical experiences detailed in Tazkirah Al-Awalia capture intense moments of unity. Meaning often stems from perception and understanding. The emotional system is a relevant aspect in this context, developed through the dynamic interplay between the form and content of the text, facilitated by perceptive faculties. Emotional tensions and impactful verbs play a role in shaping meaning in this discourse. Bayazid Bastami, highly regarded by Attar, is among the most prominent and renowned sheikhs. The mystical encounters of this mystic in Tazkireh Awaliya frequently evolve through an emotional process within a tense environment and under the pattern of Being, where the attraction and merging experienced by this mystic transform his individual self into a transcendental one.
Research Question
What is the most important discourse structure used in the formation of mystical experiences in tazkira and how can it be explained?
2. Literature Review
To investigate the mystical encounters of Bayezid as described in the text of Tazkira al-Awalia and to study its symbolic meanings, the text was carefully reviewed multiple times. By identifying the sections related to mystical experiences and contemplating them, the interplay between different elements of the text in relation to the theme of illusion and the overall ambiance of the text was explored.
3. Methodology
Bayezid's mystical encounters in the Tazkireh Al-Awaliya text were analyzed, focusing on the interaction among its components within the context of the overall ambiance. The text is depicted within a narrative framework and unfolds within the emotional realm of spiritual experiences.
4. Results
The emotional discourse system is the key framework in Bayezid's mystical experiences, where meaning emerges from the interaction of action, emotional tension, and sentiment, often marked by tension and impactful verbs. The analysis of Bayezid's mystical encounters in Tazkire Al-Awlia reveals a continuous formation of meaning through actions, tension, and excitement. The text delves into various themes like the pursuit of knowledge, austerities, cosmic journeys, despair, brokenness, and the quest for meaning. It presents scenes such as seeking water, a thirsty mother falling asleep, experiences of failure and inadequacy, and receiving mystical insights. The seeker in the narrative seeks to shed light on events from conception, highlighting the interplay of action, austerity, failure, and emotional tensions in shaping meaning. The discourse explores the interconnection between the physical and spiritual realms, leading towards unity. Human existence is depicted as a realm where presence and reflections coexist. Mystical experiences before ascension involve reflection and adaptation, while ascension symbolizes dissolution, attraction, and transcendence. The narrative illustrates a transcendental space brimming with allure, culminating in unity through cognitive and sensory encounters. The text shifts from an action-focused system to the Being system characterized by sudden revelations.
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مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
Semiotics Published: 2024/10/23