Volume 7, Issue 5 (2016)                   LRR 2016, 7(5): 199-224 | Back to browse issues page

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bahmani K, alami Z. Analysis of plot in Tarsousi's Darab-Naameh. LRR 2016; 7 (5) :199-224
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-6844-en.html
1- PhD student of Persian language and literature, University of Al-Zahra, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Al-Zahra, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (5654 Views)
Tarsousi's Darab- Naameh is a long folktale related to sixth century. According to the main action on which the subject's intention is focused, Darab-Naameh is divided into three separate stories. The story, in addition to its three main plots, is comprised of infinite narratives within each grand narrative. Sometimes the little-narratives become structurally related and coherent to the main narrative, and they are also formed independent from the grand-narratives in other situations. And so these little narratives distort the unity of narration by their disturbance, independency and separation from trilogy processes of speech evolution. The discourse system, despite its action-oriented nature, in the story of Alexander precedes two types of the state and actional discourses on parallel bases, and cognitive and situational discourse system affects actional discourse too. This paper aims to study narrative syntax, organizing levels of narration and interaction between them from the narratology perspective, and examine the way of meaning creation in the long folktales by dividing Darab-Naameh into deep and surface structures. Have narrative processes been organized in a distinct juxtapositional system? Can scattered narratives of the story, as instrumental narratives, lead the grand-narratives to the achievement of the main action? Is the story plot within its narrative syntax in interaction and harmony with the basic structures of meaning? We try to answer these questions within this research by analyzing Darab-Naameh. Keywords: Tarsousi's Darab-Naameh, Narrative Semiotics, Plot, Semiotic square tensive axis
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Sémiotique
Published: 2016/11/21

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