Volume 4, Issue 1 (2013)                   LRR 2013, 4(1): 203-224 | Back to browse issues page

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Gowhary H. On the Implications of the Theory of Information Structure for a Translator. LRR 2013; 4 (1) :203-224
URL: http://lrr.modares.ac.ir/article-14-8384-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit Ilam, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (5882 Views)
As a component of grammar, information structure is concerned with the degree of felicity (appropriateness) of a given linguistic form with a given communicative situation (Lambrecht, 1994). In other words, from a set of linguistic forms with a similar propositional or analytic meaning, the issue here is, “which one is more appropriate (felicitous) in a specific communicative situation?” In this study, an attempt is made to elaborate on some of the implications of the theory of information structure for a translator. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was devised in which the subjects participated twice in a pre-test and post-test with a treatment in-between. Morphological and syntactic codings of English and Persian were the focus of the included questions. A matched T-test was then run to analyze the data. The results, in connection with syntax, revealed no significance difference in the performance of the subjects. However, the results were different as far as morphological performance of the subjects was concerned. The matched T-test showed that the attested difference in morphology was meaningful. What these findings imply for a translator is twofold: First, a literal translation works as far as syntax is concerned, while literal translation of morphological elements of SL has a less chance of success. Second, it seems that a formal training of information structure is becoming more urgent for a translator.  
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Language
Published: 2012/05/6

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